Thursday, May 7, 2020

I confess...

I always try to go to meetups when I have a chance, even if meeting new people does make me nervous. I'm tempted to confess what is exactly what makes me nervous about meeting new people, especially in a business-like context, but I want to be mysterious so I won't. *evil laughter* 

Last year, I was diagnosed with anxiety. I thought I had depression too, but the doctor said I didn't and I quote her "You have lots of plans for your life and even if you say you're tired, you do all sorts of things. I think you have anxiety." I don't know if it was an accurate diagnosis or not, but I've been in treatment ever since and I am way less anxious (and happier), so maybe she was right. 

"You have lots of plans for your life and even if you say you're tired, you do all sorts of things."

Yes, all sorts of things. That I do. But should I? During "covid-tine" (that's so fetch, let's make it happen)... should I be doing all sorts of things or should I prioritize what sparks joy (yes, I'm quoting Marie Kondo) and not necessarily what triggers my brain activity work-wise? Sometimes they combine, but sometimes they don't and I might be pushing myself to enter a dark cave that I already know quite well. Doing too many things exhausts me.

I hereby confess that I have attended a lot of meetups.

So I tweeted something (with a grammar mistake that will haunt me forever...darn you Twitter for not allowing tweets to be edited). 

I think some people identified with it, but the tweet was for me, for future me to read and think about it before walking inside the dark cave of over-attending-meetups without a flashlight. I suppose this tweet was the flashlight.

A final thought, to myself, of attending meetups almost compulsively like binge eating? 
"Do we even enjoy food when we binge eat?" - types while she chews the last bonbon that's left from a box of chocolates she bought three days ago.

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